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Frequently Asked Questions

MudraKosh allows the users to sign up and register as borrowers or investors. By registering as investors, the users get an opportunity to contribute to the growth of several domains including agricultute, textile and other MSMEs; and get an annual 7% interest on their investments. These investments are then assigned to registered and verified borrowers to help them grow their businesses.

MudraKosh implements a micro-staged finance scheme where loan is issued to the borrower in installments to ensure safety in return. As a first time borrower, a set percentage of the total applied loan amount is issued. After this has been returned successfully wihtin an assigned time-period, the borrower is given a higher percentage in the next installment. In case of defaulting in any stage, the allotted loan is withdrawn.

You can become an investor at MudraKosh in three simple steps:
  1. Sign up and register yourself as an investor
  2. Fill out the eKYC form and you will be directed to your profile page after all the provided information has been verified.
  3. Click on Invest On The Go and start your investment journey!
As an investor at MudraKosh, you are gauranteed high returns on all your deposits along with the satisfaction of having helped with the growth of individuals and businesses who have registered on MudraKosh as borrowers. As soon as your investment(s) is(are) alloted to the borrowers, you can begin tracking their progress and see exactly how your money is being utilized.

You can apply for loan at MudraKosh in three simple steps:
  1. Sign up and register yourself as a borrower
  2. Fill out the eKYC form and you will be directed to your profile page after all the provided information has been verified.
  3. Click on Apply for Loan and fill the subsequent information! You will need to have the contact details of your residential Panchayat official so that details such as your need for loan and identity information can be verified by the official before the loan is approved.
Note: MudraKosh implements several layers of security to ensure that loans are approved only to the trustworthy and candidates capable of paying back the amount invested. Any attempts at fraud are not entertained. Therefore, the users are required to give detailed invoices on every expenditure made using the loan issued, otherwise their loan is defaulted and no further investments are issued.

Micro-staged finance scheme entails the allotment of loan to the borrowers in installments. For example, if the total amount requested by a registered and verified borrower is Rs. 1,00,000, the borrower is not given the amount at once. The reliability of the borrower is tested by alloting them a percentage of the total amount (in this case, 10% i.e. Rs. 10,000). The maximum period for returning this amount with set interest is 1 year. As soon as this amount is returned, the next installment (of Rs. 12,500) is issued with an increment in percentage (2.5% in this case), and so on until the complete loan is allotted successfully.
The starting installment, increment, interest rate and return period for different loan amounts are specified in the table given below.
Loan Amount (Rs.) % isssued in first installment Increment (%) Interest Rate p.a Return Period for each installment Total no. of installments
50,000 - 1,00,000 10% 2.5% 7.5% 1 yr 6
1,00,000 - 2,00,000 5% 1.25% 7.5% 1 yr 9
2,00,000 - 3,00,000 3.33% 0.83% 8.5% 1 yr 13
Note:MudraKosh allows a maximum of Rs. 3 Lakhs while applying for loans and a minimum of Rs. 50,000.

Digital lending©MudraKosh